Saturday, October 29, 2011


Today Adam and I got up and planned out our morning…We were going to look for Christmas gifts, normally I have started by now but this year it has been hard. I wanted to go ahead and look because I know that soon it is going to become harder, each day into the Holiday season (Thanksgiving and Christmas) will become harder. We went to the Christian bookstore to find out that a book that has been given to us multiple times has a new children’s version out. Before we left the store we were told that the Family that Wrote “Heaven Is For Real” was going to be at the Walmart and that they would be doing autographs. Adam and I looked at each other and said we aren’t strong enough to do that.

One thing led to another and we found ourselves at the Walmart to get Aden, so I promptly bought the children’s version of “Heaven is For Real” and I hopped in line. For those that don’t know what the book “Heaven is for Real” is about let me quickly tell you. The Burpo family had a son Colton who fell dangerously ill. While in the hospital Colton had to have surgery. One day a while later, Colton told his Dad, who is a pastor, about Heaven. This book tells about his experience. The children’s version is super sweet and will be perfect for Aden who is still dealing with his brother’s death.

The Burpo Family was wonderful and nice and we were able to tell them about how we managed to get 3 copies of the book and why were buying the children’s book. Aden told them about Zachary and about how he was almost 4 (the age of Colton when he fell ill) when Zach died. They autographed the book to Aden and Colton gave Aden his bracelet.

When we made it back to the car, we got to let Aden listen to the next surprise which was a Jamie Grace CD. Aden’s favorite song is on this album, which is HOLD ME!!! It is a fast upbeat wonderful song. We put the song on and we listened to our 6 year old sing his HEART out to God. Adam and I broke down into tears again. See no matter how bad things feel and are, God is always there. Hearing our son worship is something that can’t be replaced and was an honor to hear. It was a great reminder that this Holiday Season (thanksgiving and Christmas) is going to come. We can choose to worship like we always have or we can choose to curl up and ignore it all. We can remember that Family is important. We can although it is hard and emotional, we can have a great season.

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